TRISOMY test reaches laboratories outside Slovakia

Thanks to its state-of-the-art laboratory diagnostics in the form of a unique non-invasive screening test, Slovakia is now a little more well-known in the world than before. Designed to detect the risk of three of the most frequent types of chromosomal aberrations, such as Down syndrome, the unique test based on maternal blood analysis has already caught the eye of laboratories around the world. Developed in Slovakia, TRISOMY test is now available in Russia, India, Croatia, Hungary, and the Czech Republic, too. 


More than 3,000 tests in one year

Although it has only been used in practice for a year or so, the test has already reached beyond the borders of Slovakia. TRISOMY test has been gradually put into practice by Russian, Indian, Croatian, Hungarian, and Czech providers of laboratory diagnostics. “Although we had been hoping for this course of events, we were still amazed to see things happening with such speed. Various laboratories around the world have been getting in touch with us with, hoping to provide TRISOMY test in their home countries. We have already agreed to cooperate with some of them, but further partnerships are being negotiated as we speak,” says Jozef Gavlas, Head of the MEDIREX GROUP laboratory division.


Popular abroad

Focusing on genetic diagnostics, the Hungarian laboratory Istenhegyi Géndiagnosztikai has already gained several years’ experience with non-invasive prenatal screening. “TRISOMY test is sold at the lowest price on our market, which is all the more reason for us to think the test really is the best option. Besides, the special procedure used in the course of its laboratory sample analysis ensures the amount of foetal DNA available for analysis is greater than the amount available in the initial phase,” explains biologist Marianna Pecsérke.

We are more than happy with the high precision and speed of the test, as well as with the customer support that comes with it. The scientific excellence and high-quality management of the laboratories are exactly what we expect form a state-of-the-art European institution operating in the sphere of health care,” says Armen Shahverdyan, Managing Partner at Moscow’s Razvitye-Plus LLC DNK Centre, commenting on their new partnership. Using the latest technology, the facility is able to offer the most state-of-the-art examination methods, including non-invasive prenatal screening. The Centre has made genetic screening tests available all over Russia, including the country’s most remote regions.


More information on TRISOMY test

An outcome of genuinely Slovak scientific research, TRISOMY test was developed by young molecular biologists, Tomáš Szemes and Gabriel Minárik. This high-reliability DNA screening test is able to detect the presence of Down syndrome – as well as another two trisomy types – based solely on a sample of maternal blood, from as early as the 11th week of pregnancy. If the parents-to-be are interested to know, it can also reveal the sex of their unborn baby. The test only requires a 10ml sample of maternal blood, which is typically taken by a female nurse in a doctor’s surgery. Samples are transported to a specialised laboratory, where they are analysed and test results are prepared. Test results are interpreted and explained to the pregnant woman either by her gynaecologist or, as the case may be, the geneticist who referred her for the test in the first place. TRISOMY test is not covered by standard health insurance: it is carried out on patients’ request and costs 350 euros. It is available from gynaecology spec…